Source code for highspot.errors.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            highspot.errors.exceptions
:Synopsis:          Collection of exception classes relating to the highspot library
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     16 Oct 2022

# Base Exception

# Define base exception class
[docs]class HighspotError(Exception): """This is the base class for Highspot exceptions.""" pass
############################ # Authentication Exceptions ############################
[docs]class MissingAuthDataError(HighspotError): """This exception is used when authentication data is not supplied and therefore a connection cannot occur.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method defines the default or custom message for the exception.""" default_msg = "The authentication data was not provided and a connection cannot be established." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) else: custom_msg = f'The {args[0]} {default_msg.split("data ")[1]}' args = (custom_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
##################### # General Exceptions #####################
[docs]class CurrentlyUnsupportedError(HighspotError): """This exception is used when a feature or functionality being used is currently unsupported.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method defines the default or custom message for the exception.""" default_msg = "This feature is currently unsupported at this time." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) else: custom_msg = f"The '{args[0]}' {default_msg.split('This ')[1]}" args = (custom_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class DataMismatchError(HighspotError): """This exception is used when there is a mismatch between two data sources.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method defines the default or custom message for the exception.""" default_msg = "A data mismatch was found with the data sources." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) elif 'data' in kwargs: multi_types = [list, tuple, set] if type(kwargs['data']) == str: custom_msg = f"{default_msg.split('data')[0]}'{kwargs['val']}'{default_msg.split('with the')[1]}" custom_msg = custom_msg.replace('sources', 'source') args = (custom_msg,) elif type(kwargs['data']) in multi_types and len(kwargs['data']) == 2: custom_section = f"'{kwargs['data'][0]}' and '{kwargs['data'][1]}'" custom_msg = f"{default_msg.split('data sources')[0]}{custom_section}{default_msg.split('with the')[1]}" args = (custom_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class InvalidFieldError(HighspotError): """This exception is used when an invalid field is provided.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method defines the default or custom message for the exception.""" default_msg = "The field that was provided is invalid." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) elif 'val' in kwargs: custom_msg = f"{default_msg.split('field ')[0]}'{kwargs['val']}'{default_msg.split('The')[1]}" args = (custom_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class MissingRequiredDataError(HighspotError): """This exception is used when a function or method is missing one or more required arguments.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method defines the default or custom message for the exception.""" default_msg = "Missing one or more required parameters" init_msg = "The object failed to initialize as it is missing one or more required arguments." param_msg = "The required parameter 'PARAMETER_NAME' is not defined" if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) elif 'init' in args or 'initialize' in args: if 'object' in kwargs: custom_msg = f"{init_msg.split('object')[0]}'{kwargs['object']}'{init_msg.split('The')[1]}" args = (custom_msg,) else: args = (init_msg,) elif 'param' in kwargs: args = (param_msg.replace('PARAMETER_NAME', kwargs['param']),) else: args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
######################### # Generic API Exceptions #########################
[docs]class APIConnectionError(HighspotError): """This exception is used when the API query could not be completed due to connection aborts and/or timeouts.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method defines the default or custom message for the exception.""" default_msg = "The API query could not be completed due to connection aborts and/or timeouts." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class APIRequestError(HighspotError): """This exception is used for generic API request errors when there isn't a more specific exception.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method defines the default or custom message for the exception.""" default_msg = "The API request did not return a successful response." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)